Sunday, March 31, 2019

We're Back! With a great book called Jane Steele

I'm back.  Sorry for the hiatus of about a year.  Sometimes, stuff you have to do gets in the way of things you want to be doing.  But I'm back now and I have a great book to share with you.

This book!  Oh my goodness, it is riveting!  And such a clever premise!  I'm not giving anything away, I hope, when I tell you it is about a character who is a big fan of Jane Eyre.  Even Amazon describes the book as a "reimagining of Jane Eyre."  Lyndsay Faye found a way to give new life to the classic by Charlotte Bronte.

The book is set in England, shortly after the second Anglo-Sikh War in 1849.  Our male heroes are returned from the war, scarred (literally) and with a young daughter in need of a governess.  Here is where Jane Steele enters their lives and not without a most interesting past of her own.

I did not read this book in one sitting, but only because real life got in my way.  Isn't that a recurring problem?  If you are a fan of historical fiction with a touch of romance but primarily a strong female lead character who takes life head one, then you will love this book.  Take it on your next vacation.  Or just read it in snippets when you have time.  You will be glad you did.  I give it five beach umbrellas!


We're Back! With a great book called Jane Steele

I'm back.  Sorry for the hiatus of about a year.  Sometimes, stuff you have to do gets in the way of things you want to be doing.  But I...